Samples for product development, prototyping and concept studies

We manufacture initial samples for approval (with the corresponding initial sample test report) and small series using a new process – the engraving of ferrite cores. We work the desired shape out of a ferrite block (solid material) using a CNC engraving process. The ferrite processing is carried out on components from one piece up to an edge length or a diameter of 300mm. Larger cores are possible by assembling (gluing) individual ferrite segments.

This type of processing offers the advantage of not having to produce expensive pressing tools for the development phase and also saves time. We are also happy to create one-off products and prototypes.

Blinzinger Elektronik will be happy to support you in the development of your new products and we will help to bring your idea to series maturity. From the idea to the product, solution-oriented design and advice are our strengths. We can also support you with further developments and new redesigns, help with the selection of suitable ferrite materials and designs/sizes.

Engrave ferrite cores - Samples for product development, prototyping and concept studies
Engrave ferrite cores - Samples for product development, prototyping and concept studies